Ma Banlieue Flasque

Ma Banlieue Flasque

3 février 2022

ici, c'est la page officielle du groupe MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE ;

MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE    Le Retour2CD00:00:00202121,99 Ajouter dans mon caddie
Langue             Référence          Origine                                                                                             Référence Musea                                                                                              

EX 36228

 CODE BARRE  3426300102515 




L'original est en vente chez Musea Record .  

Petit détail ;  les deux cd sont inversés sur le sommaire ; 

ce qui ne nuit pas à la qualité de votre écoute. 

C'est même à cela que vous pourrez le différencier  d'un enregistrement pirate !! dont nous n'assumons pas les défauts  ni la mauvaise qualité .

Vous aurez entre les mains le "vrai" retour de MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE  avec en plus des inédits . 

Tirage limité . 




11 janvier 2022

MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE - 100 % pur beurre .

pochette : 


On en parlait depuis longtemps, c'est fait : re-edition de l'album en version CD (double) : en distribution chez Musea Records . 
en vente dans tous les points de distribution en france et à l'international . 


pour le commander, c'est ici  .


30 mars 2021


Un projet qui nous tenait à coeur : la version CD, avec 30 ans de retard : Editée par nos soins et diffusée par Musea Records . Exclusivement . attention aux copies illégales et hors de prix.




Ajouter dans mon caddie

- Le Retour                         2CD               

Ajouter dans mon caddie
La meilleure référence :  code barre  3426300102515
 SDRM 362152 Sacem


21,99 €
La "vraie" version   a inversé le disque 1 et le disque 2 .   ainsi  le "studio" et ses inédits sont sur le disque 1  .  le disque 2 édite les morceaux du vinyle de 1979. 
un gage d'authenticité plutôt qu'un défaut !! Tirage limité . 

1 mars 2019

Ma Banlieue Flasque - Aller Retour Les Gresillons

Ma Banlieue Flasque (1979)

Encore injustement méconnu et toujours dans l’attente d’une réédition CD, l’unique album de Ma Banlieue Flasque (la banlieue en question se situant dans le secteur de Sannois, Ermont…) est pourtant probablement l’un des meilleurs disques de rock français jamais enregistrés. Il est assez difficile à classer stylistiquement mais il est indéniable qu’il révèle une forte influence de Zappa avec ses morceaux à fractures multiples dont la complexité est masquée par une énergie délirante (très communicative) et une bonne dose de déconnade ; en particulier, le chant qui intervient occasionnellement serait franchement passable au premier degré mais participe bien à la folie de l’ensemble avec des textes qui paraissent idiots (pour peu qu’on arrive à les capter à l’écoute… ce qui n’est pas toujours évident, et ce n’est pas faute d’une prise de son héroïquement nette étant donnée la bordélicité inhérente au groupe : on entend bien tout de la basse enregistrée comme pour un solo de « MDK » -mais ça n’a rien de Zeuhl, bien que certains aient l’air de le penser- jusqu’à la moindre percu de taule bizarre…), pour la narration en français comme pour les rôles en anglais (la voix de fausset criarde…) qu’on rencontre surtout dans le bien nommé morceau d’ouverture « 13’20 d’happiness » (sauf que c’est 10’20 seulement d’après l’étiquette du disque, plutôt 11’ en vrai au chronomètre, et c’est trop court de toute façon…). Cependant on a une sensation plus psyché que prog avec les deux guitares déchaînées et le saxo (ou la flûte) lancé dans des délires free (qui peuvent rappeler aussi des groupes comme Nova mais en plus joyeux, moins véritablement fusion), ce qui les rapprocherait aussi de certains groupes Canterbury (la préciosité en moins – n'empêchant pas pour autant leur musique d'être réellement belle) et de Gong (enfin, quand Gong envoie du pâté, pas quand Gong se laisse dériver dans l’espace…).

Le groupe s’est sabordé au moment de la sortie de l’album, au grand désarroi de sa maison de disques, ce qui est d’autant plus cocasse qu’enregistrer une telle musique en mars 79 semblait de toute façon relever du suicide commercial en pleine période new-wave (à l’écoute on se croirait plutôt dans un truc datant de 72/73, 76 vraiment au plus tard…) (remarque je dis ça mais la France étant le pays attardé qu’on sait, 77-80 a été une période particulièrement féconde du prog hexagonal…). Le disque est rare, néanmoins de nombreux exemplaires neufs ont mystérieusement ressurgi chez les disquaires depuis 2008 environ, il me paraîtrait donc déraisonnable d’y mettre plus de 30 €, même si on peut considérer que musicalement ça les vaut largement…

22 janvier 2019

Monday, 23 July 2018

Ma Banlieue Flasque ‎ “Ma Banlieue Flasque” 1979 France Prog Jazz Rock,Avant Garde,Experimental

Ma Banlieue Flasque ‎ “Ma Banlieue Flasque”1979 France Prog Jazz Rock,Avant Garde,Experimental

Ma Banlieue Flasque sole album is an excellent work that draws from a variety of early 70s sources such as Moving Gelatine Plates, Komintern, and Frank Zappa. The music is complex, yet still melodic, with a bit of a wacky sense of humor thrown in. I’d submit that Ma Banlieue Flasque is perhaps more jazz influenced than the references above, but it I think would go down a storm with the avant prog crowd, plus those who like that European Continental fusion sound, as first pioneered and influenced by Zappa’s Hot Rats…..~

The reprint of this album was announced for some time but at the time of writing nothing has materialized in this sense and it is a real shame, since we are talking about a significant band in the French avant-garde prog that it occupies, with his only LP, the tail of a transgressive musical movement, not devoid of political colors, which started from the early seventies. At the time of the publication of their debut, on the new musical label “Celluloïd” which had also edited the Etron Fou Leloublan’s live press, the group from the northern suburbs of Paris had managed to make its reputation a small one, thanks also to a article signed by Jean-Marc Bailleux for the famous magazine “Rock & Folk”. Moreover, the band, which had existed for some years, he had several tours on his shoulders, including one in Mali. There were therefore expectations on the part of the public that certainly were not betrayed thanks to an eclectic and cheeky work that mixed the crazy insights of Zappa to the irreverence of bands like Lard Free and Mahjun with a touch of refined Canterburyan class. The cover of the album itself, created by Marie Christine Mastrandreas, is shocking and reflects the atmosphere in a certain sensepessimistic that was lived in that period in France, close to the first oil crisis, during the years of presidency of Giscard d'Estaing. A very early incarnation of the Ma Banlieue Flasque included singer G-Lesne, high school friend of the fiatist Philippe Botta, who would later become an important musician in the field of baroque music. Later the role of singer is divided between three members of the group, none of which in truth particularly gifted, and the vocal parts are reduced to bizarre choirs, dialogues and versacci however very apt in the context of a musical ensemble that at times it even appears to be self-ironic. The training does not include keyboards, for the benefit of an essential urban soundfilled entirely from the sax (more rarely from the flute) and a pair of guitars.

The opening track, “13'20 d'happyness”, is a festive and messy explosion, punctuated by a very anarchic rock base on which the notes are dragged freeof the saxophone by Philippe Botta and the disharmonic guitars by Marc Le Devedec and Philippe Maugars. The sung, in an English with a deliberately crippled accent, is irreverent and mocking. The awkward nozzles of the two guitarists and the drummer Chypo recall the style of Zappa, as well as the music, even if in this case the approach is much more rustic and epidermic. The six and a half minutes of “NSK” (abbreviation of Nov Schmoz Kapopk) close the A side in a no less weird way: we still find shrill voices, which now express themselves in French, while the music appears decidedly dynamic, sometimes even Magmatic , with an excellent work of the rhythm section that is completed by the agile and crackling bass of Loïc Gauthier.

Side B is occupied by three pieces. The opening one, “HBHV” (acronym which stands for: Hommes battus-hommes violés), amazes for its Canterburyian contaminations and its symphonic veins that are grafted however in a very animated substratum, with continuous stop & go and change of pace, as always guided by the restless saxophone and the pair of guitars. The instrumental “Aller retour les Grésillons” looks decidedly launched and engaging, with the tools that chase each other frantically and that seem to stumble continuously. The conclusive “Un soir” gives us an incredibly clean and disciplined sound, with well pronounced jazz veins and aggressive winds that can remind the Artman Urban Sax. The recording, which took place at the Auteuil studio, is of good quality and was carried out on a 16-track run in 17 days.

Despite its value, this album has been unfairly relegated to a secondary position and has not circulated much outside of France, perhaps even for the fashions of the era that were changing in favor of punk and the New Wave. The group broke up in June 1979: Loïc Gauthier and Chypo continued to play together without affecting anything with a project called Positiv'O. Philippe Botta also continues to play and in 2006 he shared the stage with Hugh Hopper and John Greaves. As it was said, the album unfortunately has not yet been reprinted, even if contacts had been made with the Musea. In the drawer the group also has some unpublished, one of which has been uploaded to their MySpace. We just have to hope for a nice re-release to which there will be a good bonus track at this point. The original vinyl is not difficult to find, so with a little ‘patience you can do it yours, which I strongly recommend to all lovers of avant-garde rock…..~

A French quintet playing varied music reminiscent of Zappa’s humoristic style, Moving Geltaine Plates and Komintern and genres such as fusion, Canterbury, with a dash of craziness and fooling around. The mix end result makes this a very enjoyable listen. This is why this will appeal to fans of jazz-rock, RIO, Canterbury and to those who like their music to travel between all those.

The lineup consists of Philippe Maugars on guitar and vocals, Marc Ledevedec on guitar, Loic Gautier on bass, Christian “Chypo” Cheype on drumms and vocals, and Philippe Botta on flute and saxophone. The vocals themselves are sometimes sang and sometimes more in a narrative style and always playful or with good mood.

They only released one s/t album in 1979 and there were rumors of Musea re-issuing it in 2005, but nothing came out of it, but it is worth to be on the lookout for it.

Good humor, cheerful atmosphere, uplifting and amusing. That can pretty much sum this up but still not give it proper credit for the band’s creativeness.

It would seem they were having fun while recording this. I can picture them smiling while playing this. The singer sounds as if he’s about to laugh at certain points, and the different vocals he’s employing, some of them deliberately odd and squeaky, emphasize the good mood and humour embedded in this album. Not only the vocals and lyrics, but the music itself tells you that this album is about goofiness, having a good time, and enjoying the tunes, and not at the expense of the music. This attitude towards the music, not entirely bereft of the theatrical aspect that I often hear in French rock-progressif though not as prominent, reminds me a but of the deliberate foolishness of Komintern’s Le Bal Du Rat Mort and of course one can hear the Zappa-esque characteristics and influences as well. Moreover, the first track is called 13’20 d’happiness; what more evidence do you need?

But don’t think the humor comes at the expense of the music; not at all. There are fabulous melodies, great rhythm and good musicianship and instrumentation. The sax and flute bring a nice contrast to the frisky guitars which seem to have a ball. There is good variation in terms of style; from rock forms (whether progressive or not) to fusion, avant-rock/experimental and even some blues thrown in there and the ever present French charm and theatrical style. It is happy, joyous and fun - A great listening experience. It may not be the most original, but the way they mix all their influences is efficient.

While not a straightforward avant-rock album, this is quite the experimental album that would please listeners of avant-rock/RIO and also those who like Jazz-rock and Canterbury or alternatively fans of Frank Zappa, Komintern, Moving Gelatine Plates and other like-minded eccentric, experimental and humorous bands and musicians.

Protocol has it, if a band exults a work till the point of artistry (and, to embrace the warm idea, produces a splendid spark of progressive rock), that band is either rare and obscure, either a popular group with a very unusual and unexpected release - it can also have a special sound or rather contemplate an overdoze of a musical vision, fit a peculiar/particular frame of styles or swipe the floor with the competition.

Ma Banlieue Flasque is typical for the first category (in each case). However of a rare goody, an atypical flavor, an insensible grandeur and an unspectacular energy their music would appear, it is still a well-spotted, heavy, curious and upside-down trendy act, close to perfect for those who see in prog rock a hobby of sizes, a real treat and a place for pure art trying to be born out of rock. Their fizzy and snappy moment is not even part of prog rock’s beginning cult, but rather of its ending years of classic jubilation, performing with much of the expanded, vulturous, emphasized or honest progressiveness, while a second style of post-modern sounds or strange jamming is also part of their view. There’s only one album to prove their worthiness, and despite that the rock quintet didn’t start nor ended their rock life with it, everything focuses on the album and how it can enchant. Ma Banlieue Flasque pretty much play all their cards with this short one-off project.

Even if a rather bolted choice of heavy music, Ma Banlieue Flasque is yet far from a mash of emotions and unbearable rock, the same thing going for the pleasure of listening what looks like a more critic-oriented composition. Admirable, at least for me, is that the influence taken from the RIO/Avant classic courses (apparently Zappa was a great inspiration and a musician to be improvised for them) doesn’t trim the feeling of a prog rock classic beat, meaning, on one hand, that there are other artists doing a more extorted or impossible to describe art out of their music (most being RIO-ists or crazy Zeuhlists), and that, on the other hand, a few elements (like the ragged dark-bass tone or the cool-headed improvisation of symphonic, art rock, avant and jazzy chords) keep the album’s special warmth inside the culture of pure and artistic, only dependent on difficulty and curiosity rock. For such a reason the links with Gentle Giant or Van der Graaf Generator sound promising, even if it doesn’t mean a proper comparison. The music is, essentially, a lot freer and unbounded upon listening, it only stays of a fuzzy virtuosity.

The five musicians impress not by a cleansing emotion, but by a staggering energy (called “fooling around” whenever it lacks rigorousness), leaving the music a bit impure, yet more loaded. The thrills of a special sound, like the mellow one created by the saxophone or the flute, alternates with the pressured high strung of the usual instruments, like the firing drums, the serious drums or the well-dozed bass. A bit of the sound and the music is hard to categorize, otherwise there is a lively special approach of music, rock and post-modern tensions. Ledevedec’s and Maugars’s electric guitar spectacle is one thing, whilst the delicacy of a few acoustic hidden harmonies is touching. The vocals are not stunning (nor too important), but give an air to the rest of the whirlpool jam.

Ma Banlieue Flasque lasts under 40 minutes, with a treacherous and unequal epic being anyway supreme in comparison with the rest of the album (the four pieces left are from light to dissonant and clothed), is intense and creative, and proves a pleasant model in combining the more unusual prog rock with the complex character of an artistic sensibility and the cold ambiance of a dynamic chromatic.

This band’s rare pearl isn’t perfect, neither sensational (for the masses), but feels a lot like an obscure record with an authentic sound of hard-worked rock. Turning a harsh strip of difficult listening into impressive music, solid art and veracious prog, Ma Banlieue Flasque’s fumigating underground realization is, nolens volens……~

It is often a meeting or a chance reading that reactivates memories that might have been thought to have finally vanished in the mists of the past. Familiar beings or long-cherished objects can thus gradually fade from memories. And then one day, on a forum, a message, modest and catchy, arouses the attention, retains the interest. It is about a group, a record and, suddenly, at the same time, we immerse ourselves in our memories, seek to see clearly in the flow of these and there, when we expected the least, resurgence of images, bits of sound and a sudden desire to re-hear what for the moment we can only imagine. Fortunately, a Spaceis dedicated to the group where we had the good idea to make available to the curious, nostalgic and amateur, the entire album (as well as unpublished). Immediately we start looking for the album on the shelves … But the years that passed were sometimes destructive and the album has also faded during some unknown incident. So we get it urgently, in its original format - no CD edition available at the moment - and we make the decision to devote a little of his time to repeated and attentive listening of the album.

When, in 1979, appeared the album of Ma Banlieue Flasque (on a new label which is called to grow, Celluloïd LTM 1021), the group already has a reputation with some lucky ones who could see them playing and who hope a lot of their first record production.

Some echoes in music magazines ( Rock & Folk in the column “Basque Beret”, under the signature of Jean-Marc Bailleux, for example) suggest an album impatiently awaited. This one is recorded in March 1979 and is published a few months later. For my part, it was at the end of the same year that I was able to get it and, if my memories are trustworthy, I immediately liked this album for a number of reasons.

The first is obviously that it was part of a kind of musical tradition that could be identified immediately and that corresponded to my own path - I would quote, in bulk, Hatfield & the North or National Health, Zappa (several passages from 13 '20 of Happiness inevitably refer to it), Magma and Potemkin (for the French) and Henry Cow . Convenient landmarks that can be oriented but do not say everything about the disc.

Because it is an artistically ambitious and original record to which we are attached here. Because it’s creative that’s about it. With some humor (the words are deliciously strange and sometimes surreal) and a fierce will to touch just without being confused by the fashions of the time and imperatives of the news (the tone is given by the punk already in regression path and the conquering new wave).

But let’s talk about music Which is not the least argument. It is enough to say that the musicians play excellently and that the composers are bold and do not neglect any element of surprise. The guitars work in different registers depending on the pieces, the sax is incisive and playful, adding throughout the album this little color that Didier Malherbe knew to make so essential to the music of Gong. Each one contributes to the blossoming of a music that plays with the contrasts, the breaks, the sudden accelerations and that spares spaces so that each musician contributes his stone to the building which, from listening to listening, consolidates itself of small details, more sustained notes, inventive rhythmic figures and bass patterns (see NSK) that revive the ensemble.

No doubt there was a record which again proved that in France it was also a time when French musicians could rise to a level of creativity that had nothing to envy to that of their English elders. It only took a few additional conditions for the music produced in France to be the subject of a more enthusiastic public reception (better distribution, less reluctance in record stores and more support from the press specialized) and especially wider because, enthusiasm, some had for all others …..~

Bass [Basse] – Loïc Gauthier 
Drums [Batterie], Voice [Chant] – Chypo 
Flute, Saxophone [Saxo] – Philippe Botta 
Guitar [Guitare], Voice [Chant] – Marc Le Devedec, Philippe Maugars 

  • Tracklist

  • A1 13'20 D'happiness 10:20

  • A2 N.S.K. 7:00

  • B1 H.B.H.V. 5:10

  • B2 Aller Retour Les Grésillons 7:55

  • B3 Un Soir 5:00

14 avril 2014

Site Prog and Rock


envoyé par Evergrey le 14/01/2009

Hello les Anciens, .... Levez-vous.... quant aux jeunes, c'est à découvrir impérativement ! 

Voici des souvenirs pour certains .... MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE ! eh oui, je vous parle bien du groupe français des années 70 ... groupe pour moi "illuminé" dans le bon sens du terme, attention !

MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE , c'était un mélange de prog, de rock, de jazz, voir de free-jazz, le tout à la sauce française .... On pense bien sûr à ZAPPA ou encore GONG ... bref, que du tout bon ... un retour dans le passé du meilleur effet .... !

20 juin 2012


MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE Ma banlieue flasque Celluloïd 1979 FRA
La ristampa di questo album era stata annunciata da tempo ma al momento in cui scrivo niente si è concretizzato in tal senso ed è un vero peccato, dal momento che stiamo parlando di una band significativa nell’ambito del prog d’avanguardia Francese che occupa, con il suo unico LP, la coda di un movimento musicale trasgressivo, non privo di colorazioni politiche, che partiva dai primissimi anni Settanta. All’epoca della pubblicazione del loro esordio, sulla nuova etichetta musicale “Celluloïd” che aveva curato anche la stampa del live degli Etron Fou Leloublan, il gruppo della periferia nord di Parigi era riuscito a farsi nel suo piccolo una reputazione, grazie anche ad un articolo firmato da Jean-Marc Bailleux per la celebre rivista “Rock & Folk”. Per di più la band, che esisteva già da alcuni anni, aveva sulle proprie spalle diverse tournée, fra le quali anche una nel Mali. Vi erano quindi delle aspettative da parte del pubblico che sicuramente non vennero tradite grazie ad un’opera eclettica e sfrontata che mescolava le folli intuizioni di Zappa all’irriverenza di band come Lard Free e Mahjun con un tocco di raffinata classe Canterburyana. La copertina stessa del disco, realizzata da Marie Christine Mastrandreas, è shockante e riflette in un certo senso l’atmosfera pessimistica che si viveva in quel periodo in Francia, a ridosso della primi crisi petrolifera, durante gli anni di presidenza di Giscard d’Estaing. Una primissima incarnazione dei Ma Banlieue Flasque comprendeva il cantante G-Lesne, compagno di liceo del fiatista Philippe Botta, che sarebbe in seguito diventato un musicista importante nell’ambito della musica barocca. In seguito il ruolo di cantante si viene a spartire fra tre componenti del gruppo, nessuno dei quali in verità particolarmente dotato, e le parti vocali vengono ridotte a cori strampalati, dialoghi e versacci comunque molto azzeccati nell’ambito di un insieme musicale che a tratti appare persino autoironico. La formazione non comprende le tastiere, a vantaggio di un sound essenziale ed urbano riempito interamente dal sax (più raramente dal flauto) e da una coppia di chitarre.
La traccia di apertura, “13’20 d’happyness”, è un’esplosione festosa e disordinata, scandita da una base rock molto anarchica sulla quale si trascinano le note free del sax di Philippe Botta e le chitarre disarmoniche di Marc Le Devedec e Philippe Maugars. Il cantato, in un inglese dall’accento volutamente storpiato, è irriverente e canzonatorio. Le ugole sgraziate dei due chitarristi e del batterista Chypo ricordano lo stile di Zappa, così come la musica, anche se in questo caso l’approccio è molto più rustico ed epidermico. I sei minuti e mezzo di “N.S.K.” (abbreviazione di Nov Schmoz Kapopk) chiudono il lato A in maniera non meno strampalata: troviamo ancora voci stridule, che ora si esprimono in francese, mentre la musica appare decisamente dinamica, a tratti persino Magmatica, con un ottimo lavoro della sezione ritmica che viene completata dall’agile e scoppiettante basso di Loïc Gauthier.
Il lato B è occupato da tre pezzi. Quello di apertura, “H.B.H.V.” (acronimo che sta per: Hommes battus-hommes violés), stupisce per le sue contaminazioni Canterburyane e le sue venature sinfoniche che si innestano comunque in un substrato molto movimentato, con continui stop & go e cambi di ritmo, come sempre guidato dal sax irrequieto e dalla coppia di chitarre. Lo strumentale “Aller retour les Grésillons” appare decisamente lanciato e coinvolgente, con gli strumenti che si rincorrono affannosamente e che sembrano inciampare in continuazione. La conclusiva “Un soir” ci riserva un sound incredibilmente ripulito e maggiormente disciplinato, con venature jazz ben pronunciate e fiati aggressivi che possono richiamare alla mente gli Urban Sax di Artman. La registrazione, avvenuta presso lo studio d’Auteuil, è di buona qualità ed è stata effettuata su un 16 piste in ben 17 giorni.
Nonostante il suo valore questo album è stato ingiustamente relegato ad una posizione di secondo piano e non è circolato molto al di fuori della Francia, forse anche per le mode dell’epoca che stavano cambiando in favore del punk e della New Wave. Il gruppo si sciolse nel Giugno del 1979: Loïc Gauthier e Chypo hanno continuato a suonare insieme senza incidere nulla con un progetto chiamato Positiv’O. Anche Philippe Botta continua a suonare e nel 2006 ha diviso il palco con Hugh Hopper e John Greaves. Come si diceva, il disco purtroppo non è stato ancora ristampato, anche se erano stati presi dei contatti con la Musea. Nel cassetto il gruppo possiede anche qualche inedito, uno dei quali è stato caricato sul loro MySpace. Non ci resta che sperare quindi in una bella riedizione alla quale non mancheranno a questo punto delle buone bonus track. Il vinile originale non è difficilissimo da reperire, quindi con un po’ di pazienza riuscirete a farlo vostro, cosa che consiglio caldamente a tutti gli amanti del rock d’avanguardia.

Jessica Attene


16 avril 2012

Pour les Internautes Anglophones

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2007 at 16:03
great thread. Like always learning great new things - Thanks all for the info, learned about several new bands.
My list would include many of those you already mentioned and some others:
ALPES & CATHERINE RIBEIRO*, ALPHA CENTAURY, AME SON, ANGE, ANOXIE (not that good, but if this thread has become inclusive then why not mention them?), APHÉLANDRA, ARACHNOÏD, ARCHAÏA (again, I don't particularly like them, but I know several who regard this highly)., ART ZOYD, ARTCANE, ASIA MINOR (their first was in 79, no?), ATOLL, BESOMBES, PHILIPPE, CARPE DIEM, CATHARSIS (really nice psych act), CHÊNE NOIR (I added them recently, still active today), CLEARLIGHT, DÜN (nevermind the album release date, they were active in the 70's), EDITION SPÉCIALE, ESKATON (again the first one is from the late 70's), ETRON FOU LELOUBLAN, FLAMEN DIALIS (not too amazing, but still worth a mention), HELDON,
HORDE CATALYTIQUE POUR LA FIN (again, not something I am too keen of), HONEYELK, KOMINTERN (I recently added them and wrote a review, love those guys), LARD FREE, MARKUSFELD, ALAIN (know him thanks to Dallas), MEMORIANCE (suggested them to the symphonic team, very nice two albums), METABOLISME (not a terribly impressive album, but good nonetheless).,
MONA LISA, MOSAÏC (another addition, like them quite a lot), MOVING GELATINE PLATES (thanks to Alucard for this one), PATAPHONIE (another addition, thanks to Yuko for this one), PINHAS, RICHARD, PONTY, JEAN-LUC , POTEMKINE (love the reissues with all their output). PULSAR (for some reason I like them less than other people), RAHMANN (thanks to Rocktopus), RIPAILLE (it's a very nice record, but I don't agree with some glaring reviews of this I read), SANDROSE (Micky loves this one as well), SHYLOCKPACECRAFT, TRAVELLING  (this is lovely music), TRIODE (another one being always mentioned as benig derivative, but I like it nonethelss), VERTO (pretty weird, but still a nice "ride"), VORTEX (what a great release is their two albums in one case), WAPASSOU (thanks to Hugues for this one), ZAO (oh and Magma...)
As for other non-PA bands:
Nemo (the 70's one), Crium Delirium, Red Noise, Camizole, Barricade, and maybe Urban Sax, Ma Banlieue Flasque (thanks to Martin), Mahogany Brain, Maajun/Mahjun, Speed Limit (super group), Ometaxalia et Bucchi, Oniris, Troisieme Rive (nice folky/rock tunes),  Ocarinah, Semool (although, this is a very diversive album, some see it as a masterpiece/ahead of its time while others as a joke), Booz, Francois Breant, Kha Ym (thanks to Rocktopus), Cohen-Solal, Clivage and there are probably more...
For French speaking people, this site is quite nice and informative -
So, DB, now that you see others mentioning the same bands that I talk about and want to add, would you mind telling us which Meaningless bands I am flooding PA with?

22 janvier 2012

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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Komintern & Ma Banlieue Flasque
Posted: January 23 2008 at 13:50
French quintet playing varied music reminiscent of Zappa’s humoristic style, Moving Geltaine Plates and Komintern and genres such as fusion, Canterbury, with a dash of craziness and fooling around. The mix end result makes this a very enjoyable listen. This is why this will appeal to fans of jazz-rock, RIO, Canterbury and to those who like their music to travel between all those.

The lineup consists of Philippe Maugars on guitar and vocals, Marc Ledevedec on guitar, Loic Gautier on bass, Christian "Chypo" Cheype on drumms and vocals, and Philippe Botta on flute and saxophone. The vocals themselves are sometimes sang and sometimes more in a narrative style and always playful or with good mood.
They only released one s/t album in 1979 and there were rumors of Musea re-issuing it in 2005, but nothing came out of it, but it is worth to be on the lookout for it.

3 février 2011

Ma Banlieue Flasque [France]
Updated 2/28/10 Mise à jour 2/28/10
Discography Discographie
Ma Banlieue Flasque (circa 1979) - Loic Gautier (bass), Marc Ledevedec (guitars), Christian "Chypo" Cheype (drums, vocals), Philippe Maugars (guitars, vocals), Philippe Botta (flute, sax) Ma Banlieu Flasque (circa 1979)
Late '70's French proggers Ma Banlieue Flasque released a single eponymous album in 1979. Fin '70 's français proggers Ma Banlieue Flasque publié un seul album éponyme en 1979. They wear their influences on their sleeves ... Ils portent leurs influences sur les manches ... the lyrical whackiness of Gong , the complex playfulness of Frank Zappa and the rhythmic chantiness of Magma . l'whackiness lyrique de Gong , l'espièglerie complexe de Frank Zappa et les chantiness rythmique de Magma . Reminiscent of Moving Gelatine Plates with perhaps some of the RIO avant leanings of Etron Fou Leloublan . Réminiscence de Moving Gelatine Plates avec peut-être quelques-uns des RIO tendances avant d' Etron Fou Leloublan . Like Gong , playful silliness with such excellent musicianship underlaying it that you have to take them seriously in spite of it. Comme Gong , bêtise ludique avec musicalité excellente telle, elle sous-jacente que vous devez les prendre au sérieux en dépit de celui-ci. Recording quality is very '70's sounding. La qualité d'enregistrement est très '70 's de sondage. Though I haven't heard the whole album, there's a great sampling available to hear at their MySpace site (see link below). Bien que je n'ai pas entendu tout l'album, il y a un échantillonnage très disponible pour entendre à leur site MySpace (voir lien ci-dessous).
This album has been out of print for a long time, though there were rumors about it being reissued on the Musea Records label. Cet album a été épuisé depuis longtemps, bien qu'il y avait des rumeurs à ce sujet étant réédité sur le label Musea. This would make a lot of sense, since it's Musea 's mission to preserve (especially) French prog history. Cela ferait beaucoup de sens, puisque c'est la mission de l 'Musea à préserver (surtout) l'histoire de prog français. However, as of this writing, this has not happened yet. Cependant, comme d'écrire ces lignes, ce n'est pas encore arrivé. In the meantime, check out their MySpace page and give them a listen. En attendant, consultez leur page MySpace et leur donner une écoute. Excellent stuff, another one of those obscure bands from the '70's who deserved more recognition than they got. Excellent stuff, un autre de ces groupes obscurs des années '70 's qui méritait plus de reconnaissance qu'ils ont obtenu. -- Fred Trafton - Trafton Fred

7 juillet 2010

PLACE AUX FOUS : 89.4 fm Vendredi 9 Juillet - | MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE Blog MySpace de MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE

Après la disparition des chroniques rigolotes, impertinentes, irrespectueuses etc ... de france Inter, il nous reste quelques endroits qui échappent au contrôle de notre Président Irreprochable : allez vous balader sur les ondes de la bande FM... et arretez vous quelques instants sur radio libertaire 89.4 fm.

Surtout Vendredi 9 juillet vers 11 h 30 :

PLACE AUX FOUS : 89.4 fm Vendredi 9 Juillet - | MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE Blog MySpace de MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE

6 juillet 2010

PLACE AUX FOUS : Vendredi 9 juillet

Vendredi 9 juillet 2010
Place Aux Fous prend ses aises et occupera l’antenne de 11h30 à 14h30.

1ère partie :
de 11h30 à 13h00, THE SPECTROMETERS pour leur dernier et excellentissime album : Half Mechanism/Half Organism. Et puis des surprises, une escapade dans la musique aventureuse et libre, avec des gens comme Erik Satie, Ma Banlieue Flasque et allez savoir qui encore. Vous n’aurez qu’à écouter

2ème partie :
de 13h00 à 14h30, SEX DRUGS AND REBETIKO, un groupe à découvrir absolument – ils joueront quelques morceaux en direct, c’est à ne pas rater.

25 mai 2010

C'est souvent une rencontre ou une lecture de hasard qui réactivent des souvenirs dont on aurait pu penser qu'ils s'étaient définitivement évanouis dans les brumes du passé. Des êtres familiers ou des objets longtemps chéris peuvent ainsi progressivement s'estomper des mémoires. Et puis un jour, sur un forum, un message, modeste et accrocheur, éveille l'attention, retient l'intérêt. Il y est question d'un groupe, d'un disque et, soudain, tout à la fois, nous nous immergeons dans nos souvenirs, cherchons à y voir clair dans le flot de ceux-ci et là, quand on s'y attendait le moins, resurgissent des images, des bribes de sonorité et un désir subit de réentendre ce que pour l'instant on ne peut qu'imaginer. Heureusement, un Espace est dédié au groupe où on a eu la bonne idée de mettre à disposition des curieux, nostalgiques et amateurs, l'album entier (ainsi que des inédits). Aussitôt on se met à la recherche de l'album sur les étagères… Mais les années qui passèrent furent parfois destructrices et l'album s'est lui aussi évanoui au cours d'on ne sait quelle péripétie. Alors on se le procure d'urgence, dans son format d'origine – pas d'édition en CD disponible à l'heure actuelle – et on prend la décision de consacrer un peu de son temps à des écoutes réitérés et attentives de l'album.

Quand, en 1979, paraît l'album de Ma Banlieue Flasque (sur un nouveau label qui est appelé à grandir, Celluloïd LTM 1021), le groupe a déjà une réputation auprès de quelques chanceux qui ont pu les voir jouer et qui espèrent beaucoup de leur première réalisation discographique. Quelques échos dans des revues musicales (Rock & Folk dans la rubrique "Béret Basque", sous la signature de Jean-Marc Bailleux, par exemple) laissent augurer d'un album impatiemment attendu. Celui-ci est enregistré en Mars 1979 et est publié quelques mois plus tard. Pour ma part, c'est à la fin de cette même année que j'ai pu me le procurer et, si mes souvenirs sont de confiance, j'ai immédiatement aimé cet album pour un certain nombre de raisons.
Mis à jour ( Vendredi, 21 Mai 2010 12:26 ) lire la suite :

17 mars 2010


En écoute, sur le myspace : "FERRAILLE" un morceau inédit du groupe, pris en studio lors de l'enregistrement de l'album, mais non publié .

Joué deux ou trois fois seulement en concert .

Ainsi que "BOOGIE Froc" : celui-là, retrouvé sur les bandes "maison" lors d'une répétition ....

28 janvier 2010

Vapeur Mauve n° 7

Ma Banlieue Flasque reformé par Vapeur Mauve (hein ?). Vapeur Mauve n°7 (septembre 2009) rencontre Ma Banlieue Flasque au grand complet pour un long entretien.
Le magazine est en téléchargement gratuit sur

Formé à la fin des années 70, Ma Banlieue Flasque est un groupe injustement oublié qui, sans en avoir l'air, fusionne avec une parfaite maîtrise les courants les plus originaux du rock français. Très zeuhlien par moment, ou alors employant un chant en anglais à l'accent volontairement mauvais, Ma Banlieue Flasque emploie aussi un saxophone et évoque le "baloche" avec dérision, ce qui ne va pas sans rappeler Komintern... Ses longs morceaux aux structures complexes seraient à rapprocher aussi de Etron Fou Leloublan pour donner au final un "rock in opposition" très festif, ne se prenant en tout cas pas du tout au sérieux. Ils n'ont plus publié qu'un seul album, Ma Banlieue Flasque chez Celluloïd en 1979, malheureusement jamais réédité. Le groupe a depuis peu un MySpace pour pouvoir l'écouter oreilles déployées, d'autant qu'il promet d'y diffuser des inédits d'époque.

8 avril 2009


Je me suis longtemps cassé les dents sur le sujet. Dans l'espoir un peu vain de pouvoir apporter un éclairage inédit sur la question. Mais rien n'y fait ; je ne vois pas d'autres moyens pour moi que de réitérer ici tout ce qui a déjà été dit et redit sur ce mythique groupe tricolore à la carrière éclair. Car, après tout, il y en a peut-être encore parmi vous qui n'en ont pas entendu parler. La musique de Ma Banlieue Flasque doit beaucoup à celle de Frank Zappa. Une référence essentielle qui irait presque jusqu'à remettre en cause les fondements même de sa propre existence. Ils ne sont ni les premiers ni les derniers (je pense au groupe Taal par exemple) à y avoir planté leurs racines. Des voix grotesques, des choeurs éthyliques, des parties instrumentales échevelées, une guitare prolixe et affable à la fois, un aspect jazz rock des plus prononcé : "13'20 d'happiness", qui dure moins de onze minutes en réalité, partage, c'est indéniable, une troublante parenté avec la période "One Size Fits All" du tonton moustachu. L'ambiance est bon enfant, ça déconne allègrement, ça ne prend rien au sérieux... Nous sommes en terrain connu. Cette désinvolture affichée démontre à quel point Ma Banlieue Flasque maîtrise son sujet. L'exemple le plus frappant est sans doute la longue plage instrumentale "Aller Retour Les Grésillons" qui, sans virer dans la démonstration pure, déploie une énergie communicative trop rare que pour ne pas être soulignée. Musique d'un autre temps mais d'une générosité sans faille qui, au-delà de tout débat sur des critères d'influences, montre avant tout qu'elle va puiser sa source dans une forme de plaisir, une notion aujourd'hui galvaudée à défaut d'être complètement oubliée. (samedi 28 février 2009)

par Ellmann

10 février 2009

MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE envoyé par Evergrey le 14/01/2009 @ 22:47

Hello les anciens...levez-vous!...quand aux jeunes, c'est à découvrir impérativement!...voici des souvenirs pour certains...MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE! oui, je vous parle bien du groupe Français des années 70...groupe pour moi "illuminé", dans le bon sens du terme, attention!...MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE c'était un mélange de prog, de rock, de jazz voir free-jazz, le tout à la sauce Française...On pense bien sûr à ZAPPA ou encore GONG...bref, que du tout bon...un retour dans le passé du meilleur allez faire un tour sur les différents surtout sur le myspace de POSITIV'O...nouveau groupe de LOIC GAUTIER & CHYPO (ex-MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE)...le titre "red raid raides" est superbe!...à découvrir!!!...

8 décembre 2008

07-12-2008 12:38:22 - MA BANLIEUE FLASQUE

Non,on ne va pas en remettre une couche sur la banlieue ... Les plus ferrus d'entre vous auront reconnu dans ce titre le nom d'un groupe français de la fin des années 70 dont l'unique album était sorti en 79 sur le label Celluloid.
Pas de fausse joie, il ne s'agit pas d'une reformation mais seulement d'une réapparition grace au formidable media que peut être Internet dans ces cas-là.
Groupe fantasque aux concerts décapants dans l'esprit des Zappa, Gong, Etron Fou Leloublan, Komintern, les textes et le chant peuvent être très irritants (mais cela fait partie du concept) tandis que la musique évolue dans un style jazzy/canterburien/rock in opposition du plus bel effet et de haute volée.
Retrouvez leur album sur MySpace, album à notre connaissance à ce jour jamais réédité en cd.
Cela donnera peut-être des idées à un label qui habituellement déterre ces trésors enfouis ...

12 novembre 2008

extrait de

Ma Banlieue Flasque - ''Ma Banlieue Flasque'' {France}[1979] @128 (French experimental, fusion)

first of all: This album is VERY obscure, so, very hard to find. i found it only with 128kbps. Sound quality is really good; i can guarantee.

Nothing does crazy like French experimental music, but some of it wouldn't have been done in the first place if it wasn't for Frank Zappa. From the opening vocals on the album, it's evident that, vocally, the intent is satirical and humorous (although most of this is lost on me, due to the language), and the falsetto is typical of Frank and co., especially in the "Baby Snakes" days. MBF have a guitars/sax/flute/bass/drums instrumental line up and there is plenty of room for instrumentals once the initial "13'20 D'Happiness" is over. "N.S.K." shows strains of "Legend" period Henry Cow, with more falsetto vocals, and some very nice drumming. I think it's about two minutes into this track that you hear one of the first of several instrumental jams on the album, definitely what make this piece compulsory. Brilliant drumming, a chance for some really nice solos, including bass. A Canterbury-like flavor permeates, subtly similar to early Caravan's jams, a great piece of music. The album really escalates in quality from here (don't let the first track put you off.) "H.B.H.V"'s slight Happy the Man feel is quite captivating, although the scaling is slightly off-kilter, and when the lead guitar kicks in, you start to realize how much Gong is going on here as well. The last two tracks continue at an incredibly high level of energy, the music just gets better and better.
(review taken from Gnosis.)

there's some excellent playfulness here that only the best musicians master, an interplay that is on an unusually high level. A great one-shot, no doubt, VERY recommended to fans of RIO, Jazz, and Canterbury!

A real lost gem from 70's France.

A propos du groupe

"Formé à la fin des années 70, Ma Banlieue Flasque est un groupe injustement oublié qui, sans en avoir l'air, fusionne avec une parfaite maîtrise les courants les plus originaux du rock français. Très zeuhlien par moment, ou alors employant un chant en anglais à l'accent volontairement mauvais, Ma Banlieue Flasque emploie aussi un saxophone et évoque le "baloche" avec dérision, ce qui ne va pas sans rappeler Komintern... Ses longs morceaux aux structures complexes seraient à rapprocher aussi de Etron Fou Leloublan pour donner au final un "rock in opposition" très festif, ne se prenant en tout cas pas du tout au sérieux. Ils n'ont plus publié qu'un seul album, Ma Banlieue Flasque chez Celluloïd en 1979, malheureusement jamais réédité..."

 De Eric Deshayes (Néosphère)   

29 septembre 2008

Salut à la Belle banlieue... J'ai ressorti le vinyle,... j'ai affuté le diamant,... et laissé chauffer les lampes de l'ampli,... avant de pousser le volume, sans nostalgie.

Je me souviens d'un temps, ou nous fûmes sans doute le plus gros vendeur de cet opus.
Quelle belle période!

Merci et à bientôt
JM for "Music Station" Le meilleur disquaire de la région .

18 septembre 2008

Let’s have fun! 

Good humor, cheerful atmosphere, uplifting and amusing. That can pretty much sum this up but still not give it proper credit for the band’s creativeness.
It would seem they were having fun while recording this. I can picture them smiling while playing this. The singer sounds as if he’s about to laugh at certain points, and the different vocals he’s employing, some of them deliberately odd and squeaky, emphasize the good mood and humour embedded in this album. Not only the vocals and lyrics, but the music itself tells you that this album is about goofiness, having a good time, and enjoying the tunes, and not at the expense of the music. This attitude towards the music, not entirely bereft of the theatrical aspect that I often hear in French rock-progressif though not as prominent, reminds me a but of the deliberate foolishness of Komintern’s Le Bal Du Rat Mort and of course one can hear the Zappa-esque characteristics and influences as well.Moreover, the first track is called 13’20 d’happiness; what more evidence do you need? But don’t think the humor comes at the expense of the music; not at all. There are fabulous melodies, great rhythm and good musicianship and instrumentation. The sax and flute bring a nice contrast to the frisky guitars which seem to have a ball. There is good variation in terms of style; from rock forms (whether progressive or not) to fusion, avant-rock/experimental and even some blues thrown in there and the ever present French charm and theatrical style. It is happy, joyous and fun - A great listening experience. It may not be the most original, but the way they mix all their influences is efficient.
While not a straightforward avant-rock album, this is quite the experimental album that would please listeners of avant-rock/RIO and also those who like Jazz-rock and Canterbury or alternatively fans of Frank Zappa, Komintern, Moving Gelatine Plates and other like-minded eccentric, experimental and humorous bands and musicians.
Note – if you go to their website through the link in their PA page, you can hear excerpts of each of the songs on this album. 

Report this review (#165539) | Posted 10:34:37 AM EST, 4/2/2008
avestin (Assaf Vestin)
Special Collaborator
MA banlieue flasque

MBF drew its inspiration from three sources: from MGP with its changing rhythms, pronounced liking for themes ruptures and a certain melodic and instrumental research; from GONG with its folly in terms of music and lyrics; from ZAPPA with its sense of pastiche and caricature. CAM a attiré son inspiration à partir de trois sources: du POP avec l'évolution de son rythme, goût prononcé pour rupture de thèmes et d'un certain mélodique et instrumentale de recherche, de GONG avec sa folie en termes de musique et de paroles, de ZAPPA avec son sens du pastiche et la caricature. These different influences combined to produce a lively, rich and captivating music full of allusions to MAGMA, ZAPPA and GONG. Ces différentes influences, afin de produire un animé, riche et captivant de la musique plein d'allusions à Magma, Zappa et Gong.

LP Ma Banlieue Flasque Ma banlieue flasque (Celluloïd LTM 1.021) (Celluloïd LTM 1,021) 1979
extrait de : Discographie du Rock Français . B Gueffier et Francis Grosse .

29 décembre 2007

extrait du web . dec 2007



A French quintet playing varied music reminiscent of Zappa’s humoristic style, Moving Geltaine Plates and Komintern and genres such as fusion, Canterbury, with a dash of craziness and fooling around. The mix end result makes this a very enjoyable listen. This is why this will appeal to fans of jazz-rock, RIO, Canterbury and to those who like their music to travel between all those.

The lineup consists of Philippe Maugars on guitar and vocals, Marc Ledevedec on guitar, Loic Gautier on bass, Christian "Chypo" Cheype on drumms and vocals, and Philippe Botta on flute and saxophone. The vocals themselves are sometimes sang and sometimes more in a narrative style and always playful or with good mood.
They only released one s/t album in 1979 and there were rumors of Musea re-issuing it in 2005, but nothing came out of it, but it is worth to be on the lookout for it.

Biography to be updated as new info comes from the band’s website.
Thanks to Martin (Alucard) for his help with this band addition.

==Assaf Vestin (avestin)==

21 juin 2007


Si vous avez un commentaire, des photos, des souvenirs ... vous pouvez les laisser sur cette page pour enrichir le site . merci d'avance ...

Des nouvelles de Philippe

Des nouvelles de Philippe
100 % normande

Les titres .


1. 13'2O d'happiness (10,20)
2. NSK (7 mn)


1. H.B.H.V (5'10)
2. Aller-retour les Grésillons (7'55)
3. Un soir (5'00)

production Celluloïd ltm 1. 021

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