Ma Banlieue Flasque

Ma Banlieue Flasque

18 septembre 2008

Let’s have fun! 

Good humor, cheerful atmosphere, uplifting and amusing. That can pretty much sum this up but still not give it proper credit for the band’s creativeness.
It would seem they were having fun while recording this. I can picture them smiling while playing this. The singer sounds as if he’s about to laugh at certain points, and the different vocals he’s employing, some of them deliberately odd and squeaky, emphasize the good mood and humour embedded in this album. Not only the vocals and lyrics, but the music itself tells you that this album is about goofiness, having a good time, and enjoying the tunes, and not at the expense of the music. This attitude towards the music, not entirely bereft of the theatrical aspect that I often hear in French rock-progressif though not as prominent, reminds me a but of the deliberate foolishness of Komintern’s Le Bal Du Rat Mort and of course one can hear the Zappa-esque characteristics and influences as well.Moreover, the first track is called 13’20 d’happiness; what more evidence do you need? But don’t think the humor comes at the expense of the music; not at all. There are fabulous melodies, great rhythm and good musicianship and instrumentation. The sax and flute bring a nice contrast to the frisky guitars which seem to have a ball. There is good variation in terms of style; from rock forms (whether progressive or not) to fusion, avant-rock/experimental and even some blues thrown in there and the ever present French charm and theatrical style. It is happy, joyous and fun - A great listening experience. It may not be the most original, but the way they mix all their influences is efficient.
While not a straightforward avant-rock album, this is quite the experimental album that would please listeners of avant-rock/RIO and also those who like Jazz-rock and Canterbury or alternatively fans of Frank Zappa, Komintern, Moving Gelatine Plates and other like-minded eccentric, experimental and humorous bands and musicians.
Note – if you go to their website through the link in their PA page, you can hear excerpts of each of the songs on this album. 

Report this review (#165539) | Posted 10:34:37 AM EST, 4/2/2008
avestin (Assaf Vestin)
Special Collaborator

Des nouvelles de Philippe

Des nouvelles de Philippe
100 % normande

Les titres .


1. 13'2O d'happiness (10,20)
2. NSK (7 mn)


1. H.B.H.V (5'10)
2. Aller-retour les Grésillons (7'55)
3. Un soir (5'00)

production Celluloïd ltm 1. 021

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